Ledende producent af DIN skinnekasser

Vi har et stort udvalg af DIN Rail modulkasser, vægmonterede kasser og kasser til termostater samt IP65 forseglede kasser. Dertil diverse kabinetter og bokse til elektronik. Bernics DIN Rail modulkasser er en fleksibel løsning, der findes i mange størrelser og derved let kan integreres i produktion. Bernic er worldwide og har distributører i hele verden.

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Bernic DIN Rail Enclosures

Series 2600

For M 36 Din-rail Module enclosure for M36 DIN-rail. Series 2600 is, if requested, available in several colours and with custom made holes in the front. Lid, PCB, customized label and packing is available. Possibility for both base and top PCB. A closed version without terminals is also available. Trimmers and spindles that fit the height of the box are available.  

Series 2100

For M 36 Din-rail Module enclosure for M36 DIN-rail. Series 2100 is, if requested, available in several colours and with custom made holes in the front. Lid, PCB, customized label and packing is available. Possibility for both base and top PCB. A closed version without terminals is also available. Trimmers and spindles that fit the height of the box are available.  

Series 1570

Module enclosure for M36 DIN-rail Series 1570 is, if requested, available in several colours and with custom made holes in the front. Lid, PCB, customized label and packing is available. Possibility for both base and top PCB. A closed version without terminals is also available. Trimmers and spindles that fit the height of the box are available.

Series 1050

Module enclosure for M36 DIN-rail Series 1050 is, if requested, available in several colours and with custom made holes in the front. Lid, PCB, customized label and packing is available. Possibility for both base and top PCB. A closed version without terminals is also available. Trimmers and spindles that fit the height of the box are available.

Series 700

Module enclosure for M36 DIN-rail Series 700 is, if requested, available in several colours and with custom specified holes in the front. Lid, PCB, customized label and packing is available. Possibility for both base and top PCB. A closed version without terminals is also available. Trimmers and spindles that fit the height of the box are available.

Series 525

Module enclosure for M36 DIN-rail Series 525 is, if requested, available in several colours and with custom made holes in the front.PCB and packing is available. Possibility for both base and top PCB. Trimmers and spindles that fit the height of the box are available. Wire guards available on request.

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